Monday, May 19, 2008

The vice of technology

Technology plagues our lives, yet sustains our means of modern living. We cannot live without it, but with it comes the superfluous trappings of the current age. Technology enables us to be instantly "connected" with our friends via venues like facebook and myspace; however, these virtual reality interfaces offer only a farce. We are sold the gimmick that we are really interacting with our friends and remaining connected, but sadly it is a lie. Ultimately, such interfaces are simply time wasting avenues that lead to discontentment with ones life.

Our lives seem inexorably linked with technology, yet man evolved and advanced without it for centuries. Advances in technology provide means of saving lives, but also possess the ability to waste that same life. A type of virtual interaction has just recently been introduced into my life--introduced, not accepted--it is called twittering. It is a means of continually updating ones "status," as it were. This can be done via your cellular device, facebook, email, etc. It is, in a way, like a mini-blog, but much creepier and evolved. You can constantly update your status, so as to inform your friends of your day and activities. Example: "I am going to eat then heading home to watch a movie." Twittering is like the lecherous hand of technology gripping more firmly on humanity and its time. We must not allow this beast to consume our lives, we must fight back.

I realize the irony of this post exists in the fact that I myself am benefiting from this "beast" called technology in the form of this blog and, yes, I fully admit my hypocrisy on this front; however, I believe technology can be employed wisely and temperately, yet without excess--which is the tendency of our culture. We must not to excess tend...

1 comment:

L-dubs said...

i wish we didn't have computers. or that they only played a real role in the lives of supergeeks- circa 80s-90s.

i was glad to be without internet my first week here...