Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I feel as if I have only been just scrapping the surface in these recent posts. I have just been touching upon the bare surface level issues of my life. It has been cathartic, good, worthwhile, but ultimately unsubstantial. My Father and my God reached through such shallowness tonight and reawakened my spirit. Jesus is gracious enough to allow me these revelatory moments and for them I am intensely grateful. It is like living always in a haze and then for a moment the haze dissipates and I can see clearly; I understand my purpose and my heart breaks for how I live my life. All else seems to fade away in importance, in significance and it is only me and my heavenly Daddy. My earthly daddy showed me a video from the Internet tonight. It was about a soldier coming home from Iraq and surprising his little boy. The video showed the little boy's reaction and it broke my heart. As soon as he saw his daddy his face broke into blissful, unbelieving tears. He saw no one else, but ran straight to his daddy and cried into his shoulder, clinging to him for dear life. It is during these revelatory moments of my life that all seems stripped away and I just run to Jesus and cling to Him for dear life. But it breaks my heart that it takes these moments to truly allow me to see my Daddy. Perhaps He gives me these moments just often enough to remind my insipid mind that He alone is sufficient...

1 comment:

Erica said...

You are a good blogger!! Usually blogs are boring if they are without pictures, but your isn't. :-) Keep writing!