Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Perspective and a job...

I went to see the second Chronicles of Narnia this evening with my parents and sister--for the second time. I saw it initially at the midnight showing with my best friend before she left for Africa--I loathed it--it deviated too much from the book in my mind, and I am a Lewis purist. However, the second viewing lent itself to a new perspective. I saw the deviations in a new light and understood their presence, like a bad politician, and allowed them to settle in my psyche, like a good conversation. There is beauty in new perspective...

The job search is finally at an end. I have ceased striving and fretting, seeking and filling out applications. I have instead resumed the occupation of many a past summer--life guarding. This was not the job I desired nor looked for and in fact I avoided adamantly, but nevertheless it found me. My boss from last summer called me, seeking employees and his offer was difficult to turn down. The hours will be conducive to my summer school schedule and the atmosphere is relaxed and I know all of the family's that visit the pool. The only downfall is the sun exposure--what is skin cancer really? I'm only kidding, but seriously...

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