Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The present is a balance beam. All efforts should be aimed at remaining in balance and present, but constantly there is the pull and strain of the past and future. The allurements that these two possess are only shadows and deceptions of control. They whisper and lie, breading discontent and offering a pseudo control that will always elude. The past teasingly encourages you to dwell and linger on what now cannot be changed, and the future temptingly draws you to what can only be imagined and created, for it has yet to be. There will always be this battle for balance and the fight to remain present, and this battle must continually be fought-for presence is crucial to sanity and to wholeness of life...in my humble opinion.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I would assert that the preparation for an event and the anticipation that accompanies the preparation is half of the excitement. A thing or upcoming occurrence conjures ones imagination and provides fun without anything happening in actuality. Packing for a trip and thinking through all of the details can, in my mind, offer an extension to the trip and the fun itself. In a way, you are there already in your imagination-experiencing mentally what will soon occur in reality. Such is the joy of anticipation and preparation...

Friday, August 17, 2007

About to begin the journey

This chapter is almost complete and at an end. Very soon, the next will unfold, holding in it untold adventures, unforeseen struggles, growth outmatched and more beyond. It will entail: separation, new horizons, friends to meet, ideas to encounter, life to face. I set out on this my new adventure with great expectancy. Let the chronicles begin...