Monday, November 16, 2009

Fall has arrived...finally.

I think fall has come to Texas, finally. Yesterday was muggy and warm, as is per usual for this time of year in South Texas. I fell asleep last night to the sound of rain pelting against my bedroom window, and awoke to a crisp, cool, fall day. It almost felt like I was cheating as I drove to the store to pick up my daily newspaper, wondering if I was in some state other than Texas. The cold wind caressed the trees, as if to familiarize one with the other, after such a long absence. I experienced similar sensations this weekend as I explored the Texas Hill Country with two dear friends and witnessed colors that I didn't believe existed in the Lone Star state. I am continually being surprised by this place. And it pleases me. It always pleases when something I have placed in a box defies that box, and defies me. So, fall has finally come to Texas, and with it the infinite possibility for my expectations to be exceeded, I look forward.

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